What is AWANA? The name AWANA stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed”, which comes from the AWANA key verse: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” 2 Timothy 2:15. The AWANA program at Fellowship Baptist Church aims to reach children and their families with the Gospel of Christ. This proven and adaptable curriculum develops leaders and disciples kids to walk with Christ for life, aligning with our church mission statement, "To Fulfill the Great Commission One Relationship at a Time". |
When do we meet?
AWANA has club meetings each Sunday evening 6:00 - 7:30pm in the Fellowship Baptist Church Ministry Center. Club meetings generally start the Sunday after Labor Day and conclude the Sunday after Memorial Day. A schedule is provided each year to remind clubbers of special theme nights and as a reminder of nights we will not be meeting due to other factors.
Who is invited?
Children, or "clubbers", 2 years old – 6th grade are invited to join us each week. The clubbers are divided into 4 groups based on age: Puggles (2-3 year olds), Cubbies (3-4 year olds), Sparks (K-2nd grade), and T&T (3rd-6th grade). You do not have to be members of Fellowship Baptist Church to attend; everyone is welcome. We now offer LIT (Leaders in Training) to those students that completed T&T with FBC.
What do you do?
Our AWANA staff, comprised of Fellowship Baptist Church volunteers who have a passion for children's ministry, work with the clubbers each week to memorize and recite scripture, play games, and have a time of learning spiritual truths.
We also have special events throughout the year, such as the AWANA Derby, building boxes for Operation Christmas Child, Glow Night, Soup Night (bring items for a food pantry), and many more.
Come join us for a great time of fun and worship!
AWANA has club meetings each Sunday evening 6:00 - 7:30pm in the Fellowship Baptist Church Ministry Center. Club meetings generally start the Sunday after Labor Day and conclude the Sunday after Memorial Day. A schedule is provided each year to remind clubbers of special theme nights and as a reminder of nights we will not be meeting due to other factors.
Who is invited?
Children, or "clubbers", 2 years old – 6th grade are invited to join us each week. The clubbers are divided into 4 groups based on age: Puggles (2-3 year olds), Cubbies (3-4 year olds), Sparks (K-2nd grade), and T&T (3rd-6th grade). You do not have to be members of Fellowship Baptist Church to attend; everyone is welcome. We now offer LIT (Leaders in Training) to those students that completed T&T with FBC.
What do you do?
Our AWANA staff, comprised of Fellowship Baptist Church volunteers who have a passion for children's ministry, work with the clubbers each week to memorize and recite scripture, play games, and have a time of learning spiritual truths.
We also have special events throughout the year, such as the AWANA Derby, building boxes for Operation Christmas Child, Glow Night, Soup Night (bring items for a food pantry), and many more.
Come join us for a great time of fun and worship!